What's really going on with political ads?

What's really going on with political ads?


True or False

It’s legal to lie in political campaigns.

Lies don't just change minds. They change hearts. And hearts change history.

See what's going on with political ads by answering the questions below.

Propaganda is all about disinformation?
It's 2024 and most Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen ?
Traditional ad media plays a major role for 2024 political campaigns?
Biden won the 2020 presidential election?
People vote based on emotion more than on issues?
There are regulations governing online advertising in the U.S.?
There are 15+ ways you can be targeted and tricked on the internet?
False news travels faster and further?

During May 2022, CNN asked 1007 American voters for their opinions on the country's two major political parties...46% surveyed considered the GOP "too extreme" and 48% viewed the Democratic Party the same way.*

* As reported in "The Vanishing Moderate Democrat," by Jason Zengerle, The New York Times Magazine, July 3, 2022

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With the presidential candidates (almost) determined, we're posting representative Donald Trump v Joe Biden official campaign ads.

Some of these ads you'll not have seen nationally as they may only run in swing states where media dollars count the most.

Not to ignore history, we've also kept some ads from prior Trump v Biden and Trump v Clinton battles, so you can compare.

Do heads win over hearts? Facts over fiction? Watch and decide what you think.

All these ads are followed by some of the most notorious political ads of all time. Fun to watch!

2024, Harris. "We Choose Freedom"

After Biden drops out of the Presidential race, the Kamala Harris campaign

2024, Trump. Kamala Was In On It

Biden drops out of the Presidential race and endorses his VP Kamala

2024, Trump. The Great Kamala Cover Up

The same week as a rousing Republican convention, the Trump campaign ran

2024, Biden. Lapdog

The day following the U.S hosted NATO conference, the Biden campaign ran

2024, Biden. I Know 60s

In this fast-paced post-debate ad, President Biden speaks to a cheering crowd,

2024, Trump. Who is Laughing Now?

Following the June debate with Trump where Biden performed dismally, the Trump

2024, Biden. 250 Years

Launching on July 3rd with a seven figure ad buy in battleground

2020, Biden. "Former Arizona Republican ..."

In an ad targeting voters from the battleground state of Arizona, former

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We launched an app for use during national elections. It's named "Played: Play or Get Played." The idea is to alert you to manipulative techniques and the telltale tricks of disinformation. Every dollar you chip-in to HonestAds helps support this kind of "know the signals" initiative. To chip-in, send a check in any amount to: HonestAds, 134 Spring Street, Suite 302, New York, NY 10012 or email talk@HonestAds.org, and we'll get back to you.

Honest Ads is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation so contributions are tax-deductible.
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